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EURECI create and develop intelligent solutions for the future!
Your future, our future, the future of our childs and the future of our earth!
EURECI is a new, innovative global SMART CITY project to build a global research & development network and centers for sustainable SMART CITIES !
Research and development with a completely new quality and new intelligent holistic approach and thinking.
EURECI is completely different from the approach of thinking, the whole project development is based on new instrumentarities and a new methodological logic, which are based on new apperceptive thinking processes and innovative interaction mechanisms.

This smart interaction mechanisms especealy developed for this purpose. This opens up completely new horizons in many areas, not only in research and development, but also in its implementation and, of course, in the development of new business areas and new paths in the sustainable urban development of cities and rural areas.
This new type of approach and work in project development, begins already in the approach of thinking on the basis of apperceptive thinking, in all individual sectors of the EURECI SMART CITY project is unique worldwide and represents more than just an individual feature!
This new type of approach and work in project development, begins already in the approach of thinking on the basis of apperceptive thinking, in all individual sectors of the EURECI SMART CITY project is unique worldwide and represents more than just an individual feature!
Innovative technologies, completely new process solutions, as well as complete solutions and a whole range of very specific technological content, solutions which are already already available as conclusive know-how, are to be newly developed, further developed and quickly implemented in short-term Smart City projects will.
Valuable development resources are thus to be fed directly to the economy without any detours. At EURECI, an open and creative interaction process, the interaction between developers, science, business and politics is directly controlled by new instruments, thus creating new impetus for the sustainable development of the respective EURECI location, the region, Europe and our society .
Valuable development resources are thus to be fed directly to the economy without any detours. At EURECI, an open and creative interaction process, the interaction between developers, science, business and politics is directly controlled by new instruments, thus creating new impetus for the sustainable development of the respective EURECI location, the region, Europe and our society .

The need for innovation for businesses, businesses and society, especially in the area of sustainable urbanization, energy, environmental protection and transport, is constantly on the rise. Technologies that are still modern today are perhaps already overtaken tomorrow. The economic strengths of the country, the continent and also the region, especially in these important economic sectors such as energy technologies and the international smart city market, must not only be secured but also expanded further.
EURECI is a suitable platform that not only satisfies this need for innovations and solutions, but also initiates them in an overlapping manner through targeted measures and instruments!
These are the technically sophisticated products and solutions in the totality of a fully functioning smart city, which are needed in the global markets and which give the project at the location a global competitive advantage.
To strengthen this innovative power and to shorten the innovation cycles in the individual sections of global SmartCity solutions in the project is an objective of EURECI. Urbanization solutions are now and quickly required for implementation and not only in 10 or 20 years!

Therefore, a high concentration of innovative companies, developers and researchers at the EURECI location is not only a cluster formation in the conventional sense, but also an inter- disciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary network of a new type on Smart City solutions is working.
This new approach will be a step ahead of other global projects and initiatives on the topic of smart city through this new, targeted interaction between science, business, investors and politics on the basis of new foundations and a joint effort. Nevertheless, there is a compatibility with intelligent interfaces to such projects. An advantage that we absolutely need in the global competition to remain globally competitive in the future.
The concept of EURECI as a smart city solution in a holistic approach is characterized by completely new apperceptive ways of thinking, direct networking, international accessibility, innovative solutions and transparency.
As a network, EURECI has been active since March 2011 and has been able to draw on the experience gained in more than 26 years in the field of renewable energies and more than 10 years in the area of its own smart city research. The founder Andreas B. Otte has been active in the field of regenerative energies since September 1990!
International research institutes as well as individual developers, universities and universities, existing clusters and industrial enterprises, which deals with the topics of the new innovative technologies from the fields of smart city, renewable energies, environmental technology, transport and transportation , Will find here a central location in Europe that offers the best conditions and networks for modern research, healthy living and efficient production and international marketing. With short, fast ways to make decisions so that a quick implementation of complete SmartCity solutions and new technologies is made possible in a modular form. With EURECI, a central geographical home and an international shop window for the most modern smart cities and energy technologies in Europe are created.
A corresponding ever-expanding international network should always improve and further develop these framework conditions in dynamic process and self dynamics.
The background of the EURECI project is that the trend towards the cities in the world is rising unchecked! More and more housing and energy solutions are missing. Urban planners barely meet the demand and if, then very far away from intelligent sustainable and inexpensive solutions in the holistic approach! It is no longer enough to simply place renewable energy systems or energy efficiency or housing. Intelligent future-oriented overall solutions in the form of real Smart City solutions must be developed and implemented.
The global demand and market for this is more than gigantic and urgent!
The future SMART CITY overall concept of EURECI does not only include an economic and ecological but also a socially sustainable strategy. Comprehensive and interdisciplinary, all areas of life and society are taken into account, but above all also the provision of future-proof living space for families and their children. Questions of energy and environmental pedagogy are also considered. The children are the guarantee for a future!
The world, with its programs of the World Climate Conference in Paris, adopted in December 2015, and the continuing resolutions in Marrakech in November 2016, are very high in terms of climate and energy policy. These are only through consistent, but above all fast, rethinking Whole range of targeted, compromiseable measures. Technical innovations from the field of regenerative energies and environmental technology integrated into new holistic SMART CITY solutions play a decisive key role here. The global EURECI SMART CITY project has set itself the goal, with the help of a new international network of European and international partners, to implement these innovations globally in Smart City projects by means of new intelligent SMART CITY concepts and solutions.
Our experience is based on more than 20 years of development work! The experience of our partners in the realization usually much longer than 20 years!